Community Services
After listening to the public needs, we have expanded our areas of assistance to include community development. From2009 onwards the foundation started working with the local communities and assisting in their social development projects. As we believe that such social development needs should arise from the grassroot level, our community projects are open to all and any area that the community feels the need to.
At the beginning, the community projects were focused around increasing opportunities for youth through social activities in the islands. The theme ‘Youth Opportunities’ was identified through preliminary research conducted from November 2008 to February 2009 and discussion with AFTF board members. This theme was carried until 2010. However, in 2011 AFTF’s scope was broadened to cover a wider range ofcommunity projects.
Since our goal has been to provide assistance to the entire nation by 2015, our programs are designed in such a way that every year, main focus is given to particular atolls. Assistance is then provided to all the inhabited islands in the selected atolls. To let communities take ownership of the projects, AFTF encourages the NGO’s, clubs, associations and other committees to come-up with their own proposals within a budget range. An implementing committee and a focal point are then selected within the proposed NGO to implement and monitor the project.
Overall, over the past five years, AFTF has reached 11 Atolls consisting of 122 islands, distributing grants of over US$ 740,000.00. The grants were distributed under 4 main categories; namely, Sports, Trainings and Courses, Multimedia/ Equipment and Construction until 2012.
However, as we move forward with lessons learnt, in 2013 AFTF decided to revise the categories as follows and projects are categorized based on the main cause.
1. Education
Our assistance in this category ranges from Pre-schools, tuition classes to tertiary education institutions both in private and public sector. Projects funded under the education category consists of construction, repair, renovation of these institutes, providing teaching aids, furniture and equipment for the classrooms as well as to improve the administration of the institutions.
In addition, to the above mentioned areas, our support for the construction and upgrading of preschool parks and play areas, and in skills development programs for the children with special needs.
2. Sports
Most of the projects funded under the sports category are for the development of indoor sports centers and procurement of items for different sports activities.
However, projects relating to sponsor of sports related tournaments and events, training programs and coaching camps are also funded.
3. Development Projects
This category comprises of projects benefited by the community as a whole such as construction of Health center, Funeral houses, community centers and administrative offices for NGO’s and associations.
4. Environment
Our assistance under this category comprises of projects relating to waste management, proper disposal of waste and other projects focused on protection of environment.
5. Agriculture
Under the agriculture category, trainings, workshops and agricultural inputs are some of the common assistance. However, projects focused on modern and sustainable methods of agriculture are been funded.
6. Training and Courses
Projects funded under this category vary from trainings courses, workshops and seminars relating to vocational and technical areas. In addition, public awareness programs in different areas are included in this category.
7. Entertainment and Cultural activities
Our assistance in this category comprises of donations of items for different cultural activities and to music bands. In addition, we encourage conducting programs and activities for the revival of different cultural activities such as boduberu, activities to celebrate eid and other special occasions.
8. NGO administration and development
The assistance given in this category are directly for supporting to improve the administration of NGO’s by donating office furniture, equipment and supporting activities that will help to strengthen their administrative capacity.
9. Health
10. Healthy Lifestyle