Official Handover of Hdh. Hanimaadhoo Mosque
Masjidh Moosa Ali with capacity of 700 people was officially handed over to the Secretariat of Hdh. Hanimaadhoo Council today, 1st September 2017. This function was held at the football grounds of Hdh. Hanimadhoo after the Eid Prayers held at Masjidh Moosa Ali. Visiting officials of Ali Fulhu Thuthu Foundation participated in the Eid Prayers. The handover document was signed by Mr. Abdulla Saleem Abdul Sattar on behalf of Ali Fulhu Thuththu Foundation. Mr. Abdul Salaam Ali, the president of the Council signed on behalf of the people of Hdh. Hanimaadhoo. This mosque is a donation made by the Ali Fulhu Thuthu Foundation for the people of Hdh. Hanimaadhoo.
Ali Fulhu Thuthu Foundation signed contract agreement with the Altec Maldives Private limited on 6th August 2016 to construct this mosque. Construction work of the project commenced on 21st July 2016 and was fully completed on 30th June 2017. HDh. Hanimaadhoo has a population of roughly 2170 people. There are currently 2 mosques in the island, both of which are used for Friday prayers.