K. Gaafaru – Progression of School Sound System

This project was proposed by Gaafaru School PTA to provide better sound system for each classroom with wireless microphones to conduct concerts and other activities. It is now necessary to provide such facilities in schools in order to provide better learning environment for the students, despite this fact, Gaafaru School was running short in providing such facilities thus AFTF aided the school with speaker wires and mics and these equipment’s were installed with the generous help of PTA members and teachers.

In addition to this, AFTF later donated sound system to AV room, staff room and leading teacher room. This led to installation of sound system to all the rooms in the school thus connecting the whole school with the main sound system. When conducting assembly and providing emergency messages to parents and teachers, the use of dual mic system has resulted in a handful due to the services provided and the school has taken full responsibility of providing them.