Kamadhoo School Installs Multimedia equipment in classrooms

Installation of multimedia equipment in Kamadhoo School classrooms with the aim of introducing education through technology to the students of Kamadhoo School, ‘Youth Association of Kamadhoo Initiatives (YAKIS)’ initiated the project to install multimedia projectors in classrooms of Kamadhoo School. Under this project, AFTF donated 5 multimedia projectors, screens and laptops to the NGO. Since the doors and windows of the classrooms were not fixed at the time of donation, Kamadhoo School Management requested Ministry of Education for additional assistance to install them; this was approved on December 2013.

Kamadhoo School Installs multimedia projectors and screens in classrooms

Kamadhoo School Installs multimedia projectors and screens in classrooms

B. Kamadhoo School

B. Kamadhoo School